Venom Trailer Reactions: 7 Ups & 4 Downs

2. Lethal Protector?

Venom Lethal Protector
Marvel Comics

That shot of San Francisco in the trailer is a very telling one, particularly for fans of Venom on the page, because it suggests that the script might well be based on the Lethal Protector arc in the comics - at least partly.

In that comic, Venom moves to San Fran after making a deal with Spider-Man that they'll leave each other alone as long as Venom stays on the right side of the law. The likelihood is that we won't see a great deal of the specifics of the storyline in the film (there won't be Mole Men and Spider-Man won't appear in such an expanded role - if at all), but it'll be one part of the spiritual foundation for the story.

The other is the Planet of the Symbiotes story arc, which definitely suggests that we're going to see Venom AND Carnage in this movie, with the former looking to take down the latter while the government hunts both (which was a big part of the trailer).


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