What Does The Ending Of Fantastic Beasts Really Mean?

2. War Is Still Coming

Fantastic Beasts War
Warner Bros.

The biggest message to take from the finale is that there is still a major war to come. Grindelwald may be locked up and the Fantastic Beasts might be locked back up, but the former hasn't yet had his final battle with Dumbledore at the culmination of the global wizarding war ending in 1945.

So this is very much just the beginning of a much broader story that probably won't involve the Fantastic Beasts all that much (aside perhaps from Scamander's Obscurus). How we get from 1927 and the publication of Newt's book a year later to Dumbledore's intervention remains to be seen, but there will be many deaths, significant battles and intense drama to come.

Maybe - just maybe - Newt's involvement in that will hark back to his involvement in the first war of men in 1914, when he was "dealing with dragons". Or maybe that's just me wanting a massive dragon-based battle in a future sequel?


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