What Does The Ending Of Fantastic Beasts Really Mean?

3. Will Kowalski Return?

Kowalski Fantastic Beasts
Warner Bros.

The vaguest part of the climax comes after Grindelwald is dealt with and Kowlaski is heart-breakingly sent back to his "normal" life thanks to Frank the Thunderbird's obliviation rain. He seems to remember some of the experience he was supposed to forget - possibly because the method of obliviation is a new and untested one (though that would cause SERIOUS issues when all the other No-Majs start remembering things).

That's how his bakery sells little Niffler shaped buns and Demiguise shaped pastries, and why when Queenie breaks protocol and visits him (presumably because she loves and can't resist him), he smiles as if recognising her.

So will he be back in the sequel? It would be a massive shame if the central four of the film don't return, because their chemistry is so great. And that flicker of recognition does hold some promise of that, at least.


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