What Your Favourite Batman Movie Says About You

3. Batman Forever (1995)

twofcaceThe Movie: As Joel Schumacher's first foray into the franchise, Batman Forever really put the meh-factor into Batman and prepared the world for the travesty he was prepping in the depths of his brain - one that'd mark the death of the series 2 years later. Val Kilmer (who was apparently a nightmare to work with) steps into the shoes of Gotham's Dark Knight and delivers a dull and forgettable performance. Lack of vision aside, this looks like an expensive episode of Power Rangers without any of the fun. Tommy Lee Jones and Jim Carrey also pop up as two of Batman's most iconic villains and just, well... ham it home. And we mean that in the worst possible way, of course. What It Says About You: You're not really into movies and this is the only one you remember. If you had to pick a favourite movie genre, it'd be comedies, and you love that Jim Carrey is in this one doing that funny voice that he does. The part where he says "Does anybody else feel like a fried egg?" cracks you up each and every time. So much so, in fact, you've even watched several "Best of the Riddler" video compilations on YouTube. You've never read a comic book, and you probably never will. Why read a comic book with actual pages when you can watch things moving on a screen instead? Soundbite: "I worked out all of the Riddler's riddles the first time 'round. Honest." Favourite Movies: The Cable Guy, The Spirit

All-round pop culture obsessive.