Why Star Trek Picard Season 2 Finale Didn't Suck (Or Did It?)

9. Reneé Picard

Picard Q

Penelope Mitchell appeared as Reneé Picard this season, becoming the main catalyst for the events of year two. She appears first in the third episode, then shares a touching scene with Jean-Luc later on. That scene was genuinely moving, giving the audience an insight into Reneé's struggles, and allowing Jean-Luc to deliver the speeches he's famous for.

Her final outing, boarding the Europa mission, see her again cast in the role of 'person who needs a pep talk', though this time it's delivered by Talinn. In the end, Reneé Picard was more of a plot device than a character. While that isn't necessarily anything to dismiss, it left her story a little underdeveloped overall.

The visual easter egg - Trace Tormé's The Pallid Son - was a nice connection to her first appearance earlier in the season. Mitchell delivers a fine performance, and, while not entirely delivering on the promise that the character offered, she was ultimately a positive addition to the season as a whole. The final verdict is that Reneé Picard is probably not going to be remembered in the same breath as the rest of the family line, but worked adequately as a motivation tool.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick