Why Star Trek Picard Season 2 Finale Didn't Suck (Or Did It?)

8. Q

Picard Q

John De Lancie's return as Q this season was one of the most hotly anticipated events in recent Star Trek history. His initial arrival, de-aged to resemble his Next Generation days, was handled perfectly, even if his subsequent appearances throughout the season left a little to be desired.

The main issue with the return of Q was the lackluster use of the character once La Sirena arrived in the past. From that point, Q becomes less of a character and more of an NPC, popping up to deliver expository dialogue, moving the players onwards. So, when the finale arrived, expectations had been slightly tempered.

The worry was quickly brushed aside. De Lancie delivers his finest performance to date, from the scene he shares with Patrick Stewart in the solarium, to his final moments in the glade with the others. This is a Q who truly cares about Jean-Luc, believing that passing on this message is the most important thing that he can do before he dies.

Though this doesn't entirely track with the events of the season, not least with the slap that he delivers in the second episode, the heartwarming moment in which he and Picard embrace is surely enough to warm the coldest heart. At the time of writing, it is unclear if De Lancie will return for the third season. If this is truly the final appearance of Q, then he went out on a high.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick