Why Star Trek Picard Season 2 Finale Didn't Suck (Or Did It?)

7. Wesley's Cameo

Picard Q
CBS Media Ventures

This is a moment that seems to have spawned a fair amount of discussion online. In a surprise appearance, Wil Wheaton returned to Star Trek for the first time on screen in twenty years. His scenes in Star Trek: Nemesis were trimmed, leaving him with just a visual cameo. In terms of a speaking role, as Wesley, it has been twenty-eight years since Wheaton last appeared.

At that time, Wesley Crusher had become the butt of many jokes. The character was something of a thorn in the sides of Trekkies in the 90s. However, as time went on, he moved into more of a loveable mascot. So, when the announcement that the Next Generation main cast were returning for Picard's third season, yet Wheaton's name wasn't on the list, fans cried out.

Wheaton was quick to respond, confirming he wasn't in season three. It turned out that was because he was in the finale of season two, and he has since confirmed that he will not be appearing in the third season. The cameo itself is short and sweet. He explains to Kore that he joined the Travelers, who in turn monitor the Supervisors, and invites her to become one. It is a slightly rushed ending to Kore's arc, though Wheaton (and Isa Briones) play the scene with such honesty that it works.

There will be those who decry this scene as somewhat pointless, but the return of Wesley Crusher is perhaps one of the best things to have come from Star Trek: Picard overall.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick