Why The Mummy Was A Disaster

6. It Was Savaged By Critics

The Mummy Rotten Tomatoes
Universal / Rotten Tomatoes

Yes, a big factor in the movie's underwhelming financial performance so far is those pesky critics and their absolutely savage reviews of the film.

Pre-release it seemed like The Mummy was probably going to score mixed reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, say 30-50%, given how few total critical bombs Tom Cruise has to his name. Then the reviews came out and they were some of the year's worst for a major Hollywood release, which surely put a huge dent in its financial success.

Yes, a lot of dumb blockbusters are critic-proof, and this is absolutely the sort of movie that will always fare better internationally, but even so, the film's consistent panning from the press and everything that's been written about it post-release are surely to blame for it being such a financial disappointment.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.