Why The Star Wars Prequels Aren't As Bad As You Remember

4. The Fan-Service Was Done Right

Star Wars Prequels

When it comes to pandering, Star Wars reigns supreme. Always has, always will. I mean, the prequels' very existence is fan-service for crying out loud!

But there's nothing wrong with giving the fans what they want if it's done right. And for the most part, the Star Wars prequels get away with it because the fan-service is interweaved into the plot.

The reappearance of Tatooine in The Phantom Menace isn't just to scratch that nostalgic itch. Because Anakin Skywalker was born there, the desert world needed to be incorporated into the film to kickstart the entire saga.

Instead of Boba Fett popping up as a gratuitous cameo, his backstory correlates with the creation of the Stormtroopers. The Clone Wars could've been just another battle but instead, was worked into the story so it's directly linked to the downfall of the Jedi Order.

Now, nobody is going to pretend the prequels don't have forced fan-service (like the reveal that Vader is the one who built C-3P0). But as hard as it is to believe, George Lucas intended to put in more fan-service but wisely cut these scenes out, (including a scrap between Anakin and Greedo).

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