Why The Star Wars Prequels Aren't As Bad As You Remember

3. The Pay-Offs

Star Wars Prequels

One gripe that a lot of people had with the recent Star Wars sequels is the lack of resolution. There was no pay-off to Snoke's identity. There was no way pay-off to Rose's relationship with Finn. Even though it was implied Finn loved Rey or he was Force-sensitive, neither theory was confirmed.

However, this is one element where the prequels come out on top. Is the narrative occasionally mishandled? Absolutely. Do character decisions feel forced or rushed at times? No question. But no matter how clumsy the story was, it never felt incomplete. When the credits rolled on Revenge of the Sith, every plot point, no matter how minor, was resolved.

Not only that, some events in the original movies were cleared up in the prequels. We learned why Yoda was residing on Dagobah. We understood how Obi-Wan Kenobi knew how to become a Force Ghost. We saw how Luke Skywalker came to live on Tatooine with his Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru.

We don't need to fill in the pieces ourselves because we were shown how all these scenarios came to be.

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