Will Avengers: Infinity War Kill Off All The Phase One Superheroes?

2. Nick Fury

Nick Fury Winter Soldier
Marvel Studios

Nick Fury has been notably absent from the MCU since setting up the new Avengers headquarters at the end of Age of Ultron in 2015. Seeing as he was the glue holding Phase One together with his regular cameos throughout the first films and then finally bringing together the Avengers it seems strange that he is not even a confirmed appearance for Infinity War. Like Hawkeye and Ant-Man he is most likely being saved for Avengers 4 where he will play a more significant role in the devastation that Thanos is sure to leave behind in Infinity War.

One confirmed appearance of Fury in the near future is in 2019’s Captain America where he will play a younger 1990s incarnation of himself, pre-eye patch. This does suggest that a story which focuses so much on him may be his swansong, allowing him to shine as a younger Fury in March before an emotional death in May’s Avengers 4. As such an important character that introduced Tony Stark in 2008’s Iron Man to the “Avengers Initiative”, his death will be protecting his team and probably the most heroic moment of the film.


An avid cinephile, love Trainspotting (the film, not the hobby), like watching bad films ironically (The Room, Cats) and hate my over-reliance on brackets (they’re handy for a quick aside though).