The Wolverine: 15 Stupid Things To Avoid Doing In Real Life

2. Learn To Dodge

Terminator1 One of the first rules you learn playing any video game that involves combat is how to defend yourself. Without knowing that, you will die pretty quick. Any fool can charge at the enemy all-guns-blazing, but all you are doing is leaving yourself open to be gunned down and become a laughing stock. The only time doing this is acceptable is if you have nothing to lose and you want to go out in a blaze of glory shouting "Arggh!" Considering the amount of scrapes that Wolverine has a habit of getting into, you would think that he would remember the basic rule of not walking directly at the enemy. But that is what he does. They shoot at him and he walks at them like some sort of Terminator. You might argue that with his healing ability, he doesn€™t have much to worry about. But what€™s his excuse for when his healing ability has been taken from him, then? He doesn€™t have no FPS magical healing ability anymore, so if a bad guy is shooting at you, the worse thing you can do is make no attempt at dodging the incoming bullets. He€™s asking to be killed. But like an idiot who never learns his lesson, Wolverine adopts the Terminator approach in almost every fight scene. And then we have to put up with 10 minutes of him groaning and acting surprised that being shot actually hurts. Dodge next time, Wolverine!

Child of the 80's. Brought up on Star Trek, Video Games and Schwarzenegger, my tastes evolved to encompass all things geeky.