Had the 2011 movie not flopped, Ryan Reynolds would probably have been too busy shooting Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice to star in Deadpool. That's not how things played out though, and the Green Lantern movie is obviously not part of the DC Cinematic Universe. The character however will be getting a second chance in a reboot set for 2020. Whether it will be Hal Jordan or African American character John Stewart wielding the ring has been a hot topic of debate in recent months, but a recent report indicated that the Green Lantern movie will in fact focus on both of those heroes, and perhaps a third. It's also been said that Warner Bros. will reveal who is playing those two on stage at Comic-Con next weekend and the Green Lanterns will first appear in Justice League. Here's where things get really interesting though; Chris Pine has apparently been cast as Hal Jordan, and reports that he's being lined up to play Steve Trevor in Wonder Woman were just a cover (for an example of that, think back to John Harrison/Khan in Star Trek Into Darkness). Whether or not there's any truth to this will be revealed shortly, but it makes sense. Pine is a natural fit for Hal and a fan-favourite choice for the role, and Warner Bros. DC Cinematic Universe would undoubtedly receive a huge boost from his involvement.