Wonder Woman: 9 Signs It Will Redeem The DCEU

7. The Pre-Release Buzz Is Good

Wonder Woman
Warner Bros.

Toxic buzz dogged Suicide Squad's production. Despite the glossy trailers that wowed fans, there were many portents that the much-hyped film would ultimately be a disappointment. The first signs of trouble began with rumours that director David Ayer only had six weeks to write the screenplay. This bad omen was followed by news that Suicide Squad would undergo massive reshoots. Warner Bros assured the public that the reshoots were nothing more than minor touch ups, but the troubling reports left lingering doubts about the film's quality in the minds of pundits.

Unlike her sibling, Wonder Woman has had no major bad pre-release buzz. While the lack of rumours may just be a result of Warner Bros. keeping a tighter lid on Wonder Woman's production, it could also be a sign that the studio has taken a hint to keep its meddling hands out of the filmmaking process.

Warner Bros. appears to want more transparency with its productions. It recently allowed critics to visit the set of the Justice League to show that there was no behind-the-scenes tension. This, coupled with the lack of gossip about Wonder Woman, could be heralding a new era of less comprised DC blockbuster movies.


I'm YA writer who loves pulp and art house films. I admire films that try to do something interesting.