Wonder Woman Review: 10 Best Moments

5. Diana Arrives In London

Wonder Woman Diana Steve Trevor Etta Candy
Warner Bros.

The best comedic sequence in the entire movie takes place when Diana and Steve arrive in London, causing her to reflexively call the city "hideous", before she meets Steve's secretary Etta Candy, and the pair strike up an easy rapport.

From here fans are treated to a montage of scenes where Diana is essentially a fish out of water: Etta helps Diana try on some more inconspicuous clothing (after she nearly reveals her Wonder Woman costume in public), she coos at a baby before Steve tells her "This one isn't made of clay", has trouble getting her sword and shield through a revolving door, and in childlike fashion, even tries ice cream for the first time (telling the vendor, "You should be very proud!")

These small scenes collectively did a fantastic job of humanising Diana and keeping her down-to-Earth despite her superpowers, by emphasising her naivete and fascination with a world she's never set eyes on before. It's terrific, and Gadot absolutely kills it.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.