X-Men: 10 Biggest Missed Opportunities

10. Quicksilver Needed More Screentime In Days Of Future Past

One of the most highly praised elements of Days Of Future Past was Evan Peters as Quicksilver, with his quick wit and visually stunning powers bringing a breezy sense of fun to the mid-portion of an otherwise fairly earnest film. The heist scene in which Wolverine, Xavier and Quicksilver break Magneto out of his prison beneath the Pentagon is arguably the high-point of the film; a wonderful combination of humour, action and state of the art special effects work. But after this scene, Quicksilver departs the movie almost completely, and his absence is felt. Aside from a purely story-based standpoint (he would be extremely useful in the battle with the Sentinels), he was such an entertaining addition that the audience feels his absence. Perhaps this will be rectified in X-Men: Apocalypse in 2016 and the character, who is known to comic book fans as Magneto's son, will get more face time. The movie cleverly hinted at this familial bond in the Pentagon scene in an off-hand manner, but it would certainly be an intriguing way to take the story and would give Peters and Michael Fassbender some dynamic scenes to sink their teeth into.

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