X-Men: 10 Massive Questions About Its Confusing Canon
Does anything from the original trilogy still count?!
The continuity of the X-Men franchise has always been a cause for debate and confusion. Even before Fox started making spin-offs and prequels and playing around with multiple timelines, there was still niggling little errors, such as that hairless version of Hank McCoy who showed up in the background of X-Men 2 before appearing as Kelsey Grammer and covered in hair in X-Men: The Last Stand. Its a tiny detail, but one that fans noticed. As the demand for superhero cinema continued to grow, Fox carried on making errors. Audiences had to try and make sense of two conflicting accounts of Wolverine getting his powers (X-Men Origins: Wolverine and X2 didnt exactly match up), multiple other characters being recast, and lines of dialogue that contradicted previously established events. And now, the double-bill of X-Men: Days Of Future Past and Deadpool have both thrown caution to wind: the former by rewriting the canon and the latter by ignoring continuity altogether (and even pointing out how 'confusing' the timelines have become). There are still these massive questions, though, which the franchise needs to address
10. Which Sabretooth Counts, Or Are They The Same?