X-Men: 10 Massive Questions About Its Confusing Canon

3. Does Any Of The Wolverine's Post-Credits Scene Make Sense?

The Wolverine€™s post-credits sting threw up a load of questions, which fans had expected to see answered in Days Of Future Past: How has Magneto got his powers back? How is Charles alive again? And, if Charles mind-swapped into his twin brother€™s body as teased in The Last Stand, how come he€™s crippled again? Somewhat flippantly, Days Of Future Past ignored all of these questions and just jumped forward a few years to an age where Bolivar Trask€™s robotic inventions (which were also teased in The Wolverine€™s stinger) ruled the Earth and had killed almost everybody. Fans never got see how this transpired, or why Charles and Erik went looking for Wolverine so many years before deciding to send him back in time. That airport doesn€™t look like a very post-apocalyptic landscape, does it? And the €˜going back in time€™ idea only came up at the very last minute, multiple years into the future. In another weird little continuity error, Future Wolverine of Days Of Future Past has metal claws, even though the version that met up with Charles and Erik at the end of The Wolverine had bone claws (after having the metal sucked from his system by that giant Silver Samurai. When and how did he get his Adamantium skeleton back? Nobody knows, and perhaps Fox will never both explaining. They often don€™t, after all...

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.