X-Men: 8 Reasons Why The Last Stand Doesn’t Actually Suck

7. The Deeper Meaning

A movie with a deeper underlying meaning is always more interesting than any given bog-standard production. In the case of the X-Men movies, the characters who are fighting for and against mutant rights and supremacy are representative of those people in the real world who are in the same situation regarding race, sexuality, age and so on. They're essentially a political commentary on subjects like war, repression, segregation, gay rights and racism, cleverly disguised merely as the antics of super-powered individuals in a comic book-esque universe. This notion is never more prevalent than in X-Men: The Last Stand. Look at Magneto for example - he considers his "race" to be superior than that of mere humans. Look at Beast - he's a different colour to most people and, in spite of yearning to be like everyone else, he fights for his people. Look at Rogue - she sees her mutanthood as being a condition that needs to be "cured". It's actually a very deep and meaningful movie.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.