X-Men: 8 Reasons Why The Last Stand Doesn’t Actually Suck

2. Some Truly Awful Characters Get What They Deserve

In the event that a movie is terrible (which, to reiterate, this one really isn't), audiences can always take heart from the fact that some of the characters who contribute to its quality end up getting their comeuppance. This is definitely the case in X-Men: The Last Stand. Arguably, Pyro and Juggernaut were the worst two contributors to this movie not being as good as it could have been - and audiences were treated to both of them being smacked down and humiliated. Pyro was defeated via ice-headbutt after having given Iceman a hard time for the duration of his existence, while Juggernaut was outwitted and knocked out cold by an intangible little girl (and, let's be honest, even Cyclops was a bit of a dick in this universe, so it wasn't all that bad knowing that he got separated into billions of atoms).

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.