X-Men: Apocalypse - 10 Big Storylines That Should Come Next

3. X-Statix

...Or they could go for something completely different. Hugh Jackman is apparently committed to playing Wolverine forever; Cyclops, Jean Grey and Storm have all been recast for X-Men: Apocalypse; meanwhile, the futures of Patrick Stewart, Jame McAvoy, Ian McKellen and Michael Fassbender in the franchise are up in the air, with Jennifer Lawrence already confirming her departure. Maybe it's time for a true fresh start. Not only with new actors, but with totally new characters and maybe a totally new team and approach. Wolverine And The X-Men would've changed the tone a little and expanded on the core existing cast; X-Statix would blow all of that away and introduce the mutant team from the comics which rarely crossed over with their colleagues. Primarily a vehicle for broad pop culture parodies, X-Statix were a team of weird mutant teens who were spent more time being filmed for their reality series than fighting villains. Although they did manage the latter sometimes, between relationship dramas. Honestly, this is mainly about getting green alien potato Doop on the big screen. A man can dream...

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/