X-Men Apocalypse: 10 Comic Book Mistakes The Film Should Avoid

3. Sabretooth As Wolverine's Stand-In

Hugh Jackman has confirmed that the forthcoming third Wolverine solo film will be his last go around as the character, and it's unlikely he'll ever be recast. The actor very much made Logan his own, and it's probable Wolverine will just be missing from the X-Men movie casts for the foreseeable future €“ he might not even be in X-Men: Apocalypse. That makes sense, because Wolverine €“ here called Weapon X €“ is mostly absent from the Age Of Apocalypse comics. Him and Jean go off on their own secret mission, lovers at last, and thus absent from the main plot. The X-Men still need an animalistic berserker type on the roster, though, and Sabretooth manages to fit that bill. Swapping out Wolverine for Sabretooth makes a kind of sense in the comics (it happened in Uncanny Avengers, too), but not so much the films. Victor Creed's history is already messed up enough, having been played by two actors who don't look a thing alike. Simply finding somebody a bit like Wolverine to replace him wouldn't please audiences, either.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/