X-Men: Apocalypse - 7 Spoilers Learned From The New Images

4. Mystique Has A New Mission

The events of X-Men: Days of Future Past mean that Mystique is no longer on a path to villainy. While she's still estranged from Charles Xavier when this movie begins, she's been putting her time to good use by helping to rescue mutants who are oppressed or enslaved by humans. What she does with them when she finds them isn't made clear, but the magazine specifically mentions her rescuing Nightcrawler. Comic book fans will know that in the source material, they're mother and son, and as X-2 didn't touch on that, it will be interesting to see if this movie does, even if explaining when Raven hooked up with Azazel proves to be a little tricky. Regardless, Mystique is reunited with Charles when she attempts to find Magneto upon finding out the tragedy that has befallen him. According to Jennifer Lawrence, Raven knows nothing about Apocalypse, but "she hears about what happened to Erik and she wants to seek him out and help him." Her reason for joining the X-Men seems to be to save her old friend, so she's clearly forgiven Magneto since what happened on the lawn of the White House a decade earlier.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.