X-Men: Apocalypse - 9 Major Characters Who Could Die

6. Quicksilver

X-Men Quicksilver Death
20th Century Fox

If just one character stole the show in Days Of Future Past, it was Evan Peters's Quicksilver, who was wry, laidback, and arguably had the coolest power of the lot. But like Moira MacTaggert, Quicksilver is so inessential to the X-Men movies (in Days Of Future Past he basically got a cameo) that he's vastly more expendable than most.

And what a way to shock the audience - kill off one of the best new additions to the franchise since First Class attempted to reboot the whole thing. It would be a smart move: having Apocalypse kill Quicksilver, who seemed virtually invincible in Days Of Future Past, would show how powerful the new big bad really is.

It would also be a genius piece of audience manipulation - Apocalypse killing Quicksilver would be a way of turning audiences immediately against the villain, without impacting too greatly on the overall franchise story. After all, unless they make a point of his Magneto association in Apocalypse, Quicksilver has no real connections to any of the key characters, meaning - as entertaining as he is - he would be one of the easiest to sacrifice.


Lover of film, writer of words, pretentious beyond belief. Thinks Scorsese and Kubrick are the kings of cinema, but PT Anderson and David Fincher are the dashing young princes. Follow Brogan on twitter if you can take shameless self-promotion: @BroganMorris1