X-Men: Apocalypse - 9 Major Characters Who Could Die
3. Jean Grey

It's highly implausible that Bryan Singer and his X-Men brain trust would re-cast Jean Grey - with an up-and-coming Game Of Thrones star, no less - only to kill her off in Apocalypse. Sophie Turner is still 19, meaning 20th Century Fox are probably hoping they can get years of mileage out of the actress before she, like Lawrence, becomes so famous she might move on to other things.
Still, that's not to say Jean Grey might not technically die in Apocalypse, only to be reborn. With the X-timeline altered forever, Singer and co. may be looking simultaneously to the future and the past, considering the introduction of The Dark Phoenix character in time for the next movie while at the same time correcting the mishandling of the arc in The Last Stand.
It would make sense, considering The Dark Phoenix Saga is one of the more popular X-Men storylines, and that Singer didn't get the chance to take on the story himself last time around.