X-Men: Apocalypse - Everything You Need To Know

9. Oscar Isaac Is Apocalypse

How exactly that character is going to be brought to the big screen is another matter. The producers already managed quite the coup by getting Oscar Isaac on board as the character; he's been making a name for himself off the back of strong performances in Drive, Inside Llewyn Davis and A Most Violent Year, and will properly hit the big time when he appears in the new Star Wars film. Isaac is perfect casting on several levels, then. He's an incredibly talented and diverse actor, as evidenced by that back catalogue. He's also right on the cusp of superstardom, meaning that by the time X-Men Apocalypse lands, he'll be a household name. That's a good guy to have as your villain. Who exactly is Apocalypse, though? Well, he's the First Mutant. He has basically every superpower going. He can manipulate reality. He's invincible and immortal. He's quite the nemesis. He's also a big grey guy in a suit of robotic armour, and Isaac claims he'll be brought to life with a mix of practical effects and CGI, so it remains to be seen how close he'll remain to his comic book look...

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/