X-Men: Apocalypse Leaked Trailer: 6 Things You Need To Know

3. Magneto

Apocalypse Storm
20th Century Fox

"Who the f**k are you?" Magneto asks Apocalypse in the trailer. It's then that the villain pulls his hood down to reveal his face, and it's surprisingly comic book accurate (albeit a little more human). This Apocalypse isn't as big as the Hulk, but still has the face markings, blue skin, and armour. It's a solid enough looking take on what's in the source material.

It was mentioned at Comic-Con that Magneto has given up being a villain since the events of X-Men: Days of Future Past and is now living a much simpler life. That seems to contradict him calling the world's mutants to arms as part of his Brotherhood at the end of the last movie, but if Mystique's actions quickly led to them being accepted by the public, he'd really have no reason to keep fighting. 

Regardless, he's featured in some very strange scenes which include him fighting what look like World War II era soldiers in a forest and screaming "Is this what you want from me?" up at the sky while looking more than a bit dishevelled. 

One interesting theory is that these are taking place in Magneto's head while he's under Apocalypse's control. It's basically him fighting back (possibly with the help of Jean and Charles), and that should give Michael Fassbender something a little more interesting to do that just being a mindless slave!

On the other hand, he might just be on Apocalypse's side. The trailer does after all show him invading the X-Mansion and grabbing Charles - in his wheelchair - and pulling him towards Apocalypse's team. 


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.