X-Men: Apocalypse Trailer - 9 Major Plot Hints

1. Apocalypse Is Persuasive

Many think of Apocalypse as a destructive force of world domination, but whilst it certainly appears that we'll plenty of that side of the character the softly spoken Oscar Isaac's casting lends the role more nuance. Far from getting his hands dirty, Isaac's En Sabah Nur appears throughout the trailer to be a hypnotically compelling orator, appealing to those he wishes to command with serpentine promises of the greatness that is both deserved of mutants and easily within their grasp. We already know that Apocalypse has psychic powers, so he could be subtly using them to draw mutants to his side, but it could equally be the case that he is simply a charismatic leader appealing to the disenfranchised first and foremost. Apocalypse may be able to hold sway over his fellow mutants but he's never been simply about unquestioning rule. A world where Apocalypse rules through mind control is not his end goal, rather he wants to be the one to lead Mutants to take their rightful place at the top of the evolutionary ladder, so having followers chose to join him of their own freewill is a more likely aim and one that the persuasive Apocalypse should have no problem achieving before the X-Men band together to stop him. Did you enjoy the X-Men: Apocalypse trailer? Share your reactions below in the comments thread.

Stereotypically awkward writer, gamer and general nerd. Dislikes writing in the third person, likes tea as much as the next man but not as much as a typical blogger and has breath as fresh as a summer ham.