9. When Did The Professor (Really) Become Crippled?
Not really a pressing concern, but it's established in the very first film that Xavier uses a wheelchair. What we don't really know is how he ended up in it. That is, until First Class, where we see that it was (mostly) Magneto's fault. The incident happened in the 60s, and he's been confined to the wheelchair ever since. Case closed, right? Not really, because at the end of Origins, which takes place in the late 70s, we see the Professor walking. We see him walking again when he recruits Jean Grey, at this time a little girl. So what exactly happened? Was he able to temporarily restore his legs, only to fall victim to another accident? This is one thing we may never know for sure, because it seems like not only is the young Professor in the chair, but (spoiler alert) the somehow still alive older Professor is also in the chair.