X-Men: Days Of Future Past Review - 10 Awesome Moments

7. Off-Screen Character Deaths

One of the burning questions prior to the release of Days of Future Past was: so, what's happened to the characters from First Class who aren't appearing? Singer has managed to come up with a pretty easy and clean fix-all: they were killed by experiments performed by Bolivar Trask, and when Mystique breaks into Trask's offices, she pulls the autopsy records, where we see pictures of the dead bodies of Azazel, Angel and a number of other mutants. Magneto elaborates on this while talking with Xavier on the plane, decrying the loss of not just these two but also Banshee and Emma Frost. Though the movie survives just fine without these names, it will be to the relief of many fans that Singer at least had the good sense to provide a brief explanation for their absences, one that also fits effortlessly into the central plot.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.