X-Men: Days Of Future Past - 5 Reasons You Should Be Excited

4. Matthew Vaughn Is Still Part of The Film

matthewvaughn600 I and most other fans of this aging franchise, loved Vaughn's work on First Class for its light-heart approach, but also for adding a much needed freshness to the X-Men films. X-Men: First Class was the first X-Men team movie we saw since The Last Stand that brought the idea of how mutants should be treated, but more importantly, shows how a team should function, showing the relationships between the different and sometimes conflicting personalities. Vaughn did a great job showing the different philosophies between Xavier and Magneto, which became an integral part for these characters. That said, many were wondering how he will approach the sequel, whether adding more characters or taking others out or even the possibility of starting a shared universe with the Fantastic Four, as Fox wished. However, a few months after the announcement as director, Vaughn told the public that he has dropped down as director of Days of Future Past, in order to work on another film The Secret Service (another Millar comic). Obviously, this made many fans of his work very angry and start believing again that the X films would turn back into utter crap. Due to their anger, many fans have forgotten that Vaughn is still involved with this film as one of the producers and writers which shows that his creative force will mostly be shone through his writing which would bring back a tone similar to the one he established in First Class. Even though Bryan Singer will be taking the reins for the sequel, it should not be that big of a jump similar to X2 and The Last Stand.

Love to read comics and fantasy novels. Enjoy watching shows like Sons of Anarchy, The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad. I really want to do something in the fantasy genre and create stories of my own.