X-Men Movies: Ranked From Worst To Best

6. X-Men: The Last Stand

For all of its problems, The Last Stand is definitely the second most ambitious of all of the X-Men movies: it is grand in cast, massive in scope and both the set-pieces and the fundamental idea of the Mutant cure are very engaging. Had Ratner's script been better, and some of his casting decisions smarter, we could have actually had the Mutant War that the franchise should have built up to. Sadly the enduring memory of the film is one that placed way too much faith in poor second string mutants and relegated most of the main cast to bystanders or headstones. Best Moment The climactic battle remains an impressive feat, and for all of the logical errors that came afterwards, the moment when Phoenix shows Professor Xavier the extent of her powers by turning him into molecules is a great moment in the franchise. Worst Moment How could it be anything other than "I'm the Juggernaut, bitch!"? In truth, almost everything Vinnie Jones' Juggernaut does and says is a bitter tasting joke, considering the potential of the character, and it is a travesty that he is reduced to being a circus act.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.