1. Apocalypse

The abomination known as Apocalypse makes Magneto look like a kindly old science professor, and if theres a reason The X-Men exist, hes it. Born over five millennia ago in Egypt, this ancient mutant was abandoned in infancy due to his grey skin and blue lips, but was taken in by the raider, Baal, who taught him his gangs creed of survival of the fittest, and named him En Sabah Nur. Facing prejudice and rejection due to his appearance, En Sabah Nur couldnt help notice that as the years passed his tormentors grew old and withered, while he remained young and stronghis mutation seeming to reinforce Baals teachings. Apocalypse spent the centuries spreading his message amongst human tribes, being worshipped as a god, and at times lying dormant, awaiting a critical mass of mutant life to flourish on the planet before he would rise to lead them to the destruction of all other less fit forms of life. One of the most powerful mutants in the X-Men universe, Apocalypse is an unwaveringly driven and virtually indestructible bermensch. In fact, it might be a good idea to save him up for the final movie before a reboot, because this ancient engine of destruction is a very hard act to follow.