X-Men Sequels: 10 New Mutants Who Need To Be Included

3. Blob

Blob Blob may have made a cameo in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, but he has so much more to give! A dull witted, hot tempered, super strong, five hundred pound circus freak€”what€™s not to love? The bluntest of instruments, Frederick J. Dukes is so obnoxious a specimen that even the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants can barely tolerate him. Alternating between the sideshow, acting as Magneto€™s muscle, and his own harebrained schemes for world domination, what Blob€™s backstory lacks in substance is compensated for by the hefty comic relief he provides. Essentially, Blob is a general counterpoint to not only the series' stable of characters, but the super-powered in general, being undisciplined, unfocussed, and generally unambitious. While the X-Men series is known more for cutting wit than slapstick, a CGI Blob running rampant could very well steal the show. Combining his near indestructible bulk with the capacity to gravitationally anchor himself in place, Blob is the immovable object which could provide just the counter to the irresistible force of Wolverine and Co. And have the theatre in stitches while he€™s at it.

Can tell the difference between Jack and Vanilla Coke and Vanilla Jack and regular Coke. That is to say, I'm a writer.