X-Men: Supernova - 10 Big Questions We Need Answering

8. What Happens In The Comics?

XMen Apocalypse Phoenix

There's a Marvel superhero named Supernova, but this film won't have anything to do with him (because he's a member of Nova Corps, the film rights to which are held by Marvel Studios). Instead, the title of this new X-Men film is almost definitely a reference to one iconic comic book run: The Dark Phoenix Saga.

Yep, that's the same story they butchered for X-Men: The Last Stand, where Jean Grey turns heel and her powers become dark and uncontrollable, bursting out of her like fearsome flames. The story has one of comics' most grim endings: Jean being killed for everyone else's safety.

Simon Kinberg, who wrote The Last Stand and is believed to be working on Supernova, told Entertainment Weekly last year that he "would love to take another stab at the Dark Phoenix story." And it looks like Fox have given him the go-ahead to do just that.

The comic book version was much more epic than The Last Stand film: at one point, Jean fled Planet Earth and recharged her powers by absorbing a faraway star. This caused a supernova, which destroyed an entire populated planet. If the Supernova film ends up including cosmic sequences like that, it would be very different to the previous Dark Phoenix movie. And it would ask an awful lot of Sophie Turner, who's performance in Apocalypse was very divisive.


Film & TV journo. Quite tall.