X-Men: The New Mutants - 10 Big Reasons To Be Excited

8. Josh Boone As The Director


Josh Boone, the director of The New Mutants, has two directing credits going into the film: 2012's Stuck in Love and 2014's critically acclaimed The Fault in Our Stars.

While he is a relative newcomer to the industry and has yet to helm a horror film, Boone has still expressed exceptional directing talent. Hence, why The Fault in Our Stars was so well-received. Plus, while it's certainly a very different movie than what The New Mutants is going to be, it did prove that Boone can bring a dramatic, teenage-centric story to the screen fairly competently.

Plus, it's no secret that Boone was a diehard Marvel Comics fan growing up, and thus, has likely done everything in his power to make a worthy adaptation of one of Marvel's most beloved series.

After all, Sam Raimi had never directed a superhero film before Spider-Man, but his genuine love for the character that came from growing up with the comics helped him make his first two Spidey films fantastic. It just goes to show that passion for the project does make a difference, and Boone certainly has his heart in the right place with The New Mutants.


A film-loving wrestling fan from west Texas who will live and die by the statement that Return of the Jedi is the best Star Wars movie and unironically cherishes the brief moment and time when Deuce & Domino were WWE Tag Team Champions. Hates honey, but loves honey mustard.