X-Men Apocalypse: 13 Reasons It's A Huge Disappointment

6. CGI Quality Is All Over The Place

X Men Apocalypse Jean Grey
20th Century Fox

This one was obvious from the time the first trailer dropped, that the visual effects are wildly inconsistent.

Though some of it looks undeniably gorgeous (namely Quicksilver's evacuation of the X-Mansion), other CGI is immensely sloppy for the standards of a $230+ million film.

Even something as simple as Jean Grey picking up her school books and notes in mid-air looks glaringly fake, while the final battle is bathed in highly unappealing, washed-out grey tones and flat composite textures.

When movies like Neill Blomkamp's District 9 can produce stupendous effects on just $30 million (albeit with the help of Peter Jackson), it's depressing that a movie so much more expensive can't beef up the visual pep.

Though Apocalypse is obviously a challenging production, perhaps Singer might've been better off toning down the effects-heavy sequences, because it makes so much of the movie feel both messy and ugly.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.