X-Men Apocalypse: 13 Reasons It's A Huge Disappointment

5. Blue Mystique Has About 10 Minutes Of Screen Time

X Men Apocalypse Jean Grey
20th Century Fox

It's well-known that Jennifer Lawrence was allergic to the blue body paint used in First Class, and so asked the filmmakers to provide her with a body suit for Days of Future Past so that she'd only need to be painted from the neck-up.

Whether or not Lawrence exerted any pressure on the producers to dial back Mystique's blue appearances in Apocalypse, she sadly doesn't transform into the iconic look much throughout the movie at all.

In fact, the first time we see her as blue Mystique, the movie is already half-done, and this appearance is for around just a minute or so.

It's only in the movie's final battle where we see much of the blue form, but she spends most of it just standing around, and Singer tries to be clever by cutting the sequence around her to make it seem like she's in it more than she actually is.

Overall, blue Mystique gets about 10 minutes of screen time in a 143 minute movie, and considering that she does pretty much nothing action-wise, it just feels like a massively wasted opportunity.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.