X-Men: Apocalypse - 15 Questions Left By The Stupidest X-Movie Ever
3. What Exactly Are Apocalypse’s Powers?
When introducing new X-Men characters with less audience recognition, it's always important to neatly establish what their abilities and limitations are. With Apocalypse, it's not only unclear what he's capable of, but there's a pretty flippant approach to comic book lore too.
The main powers on show are the ability to transfer his consciousness from one body to another, control other mutants and accentuate their abilities, but across the movie he brings out a smorgasbord of mutations seemingly at random. He's able to manipulate matter, trapping people in walls and building a giant pyramid (which is presumably the same power), but in the final battle he's also suddenly able to deflect any attacks and starts spurting out fire. He also claims to Charles he has the ability to block the horsemen from his psychic attacks, but if he's never come across a telepath, how does he know he has that power? Then there's the teleport bubble, which he and his horsemen use to jump about and make the globe feel like it spans the length of two soundstages; the colour seems to suggest it's an extension of Psylocke's purple energy, but he later tries to use it by himself.
His transference ability means that all of this makes some sense (although to have amassed so many powers in a time where no mutants were believed to have lived is a bit odd), but the movie does absolutely nothing to establish what they are.