X-Men: Apocalypse - 25 WTF Moments

2. All The Weird Sexy Noises

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I'll preface this point with the revelation that I am a fully grown, fully-formed man, who prides himself on the ability to make mature, informed observations. And yet still, any time anyone - particularly Apocalypse - was going through any sort of struggle or pain, their strangely orgasmic reactions drew more than a giggle.

Ultimately it's Apcalypse who is the biggest offender. He awakens after hundreds of years of slumber with a breathy moan, uses his powers in a way that looks suspiciously like he's enjoying it too much and eventually dies with a final explosion of joy that is positively sexual.

Perhaps it's because Isaac is under so much makeup, rendering subtle facial tics and responses invisible? Perhaps it's just an attempt to show that Apocalypse really loves showing off? Or maybe it's just that I'm a big child who sees rudeness in perfectly innocent gasps and moans?


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.