X-Men: Apocalypse - Every Character Ranked From Worst To Best

7. Jean Grey

XMen Apocalypse Characters
20th Century Fox

Like Cyclops, Sophie Turner's Jean Grey is a little unpolished: she's not quite as cool and restrained as Famke Janssen portrayed her and she seems more happy existing as the put upon (slightly bullied) edge character. That makes her more of an interesting wildcard than you might have expected before the film's release, and Turner does well to give her character some of more recent Sansa's strength.

Of course, the important thing here is that she's also very obviously something of a broken toy. She suffers with terrible night terrors (which turn out to be visions), she talks of knowing about the growing darkness in her and she fears letting go. Considering how important those elements become by the end of the film, it's quite refreshing that they aren't hammered home all the way through.

Yes, the escalation to her using her Phoenix powers is a little unearned (given that Professor X should have realised what he was unleashing) but it did make for a great spectacle. And it will be interesting to see how Turner sells Grey's tumble into evil in the inevitable Dark Phoenix Saga-focused follow-up.


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