X-Men: Apocalypse - Every Character Ranked From Worst To Best

5. Weapon X

XMen Apocalypse Characters
20th Century Fox

It might amount to no more than a cameo, but the Weapon X sequence in Apocalypse would have been the best were it not for a certain speedster. Okay, so it's a little atonal next to the rest of the film (given the violence and the bodycount), but it offered something we haven't seen before: berserker Wolverine.

It's about time we had something to wipe away the bitter aftertaste of the Weapon X portrayal in X-Men Origins, and though the context of this scene makes no sense (why did Mystique give Wolverine to Stryker?!), in a brief sequence it does precisely that.

Wolverine is back at his animalistic best here, even with his silly headwear and awful sub-dermal screws, and it does brig his story pretty full circle towards the start of X-Men. If this is the last we see of Jackman's Logan in the main X-Men timeline, it's a good way to bow out.

Now all that remains is recasting him and hiring him back to the X-Men team in the 90s.


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