X-Men: Apocalypse - Every Character Ranked From Worst To Best

4. Apocalypse

XMen Apocalypse Characters
20th Century Fox

Quite why so many people have jumped so willingly on Oscar Isaac's back for his performance as the X-Men Universe's biggest big bad is beyond me.

It's hard to argue that the costume was a little limiting (with the giant foam hands more of an issue than the facial prosthetics, as it happens), but Isaac still managed a beautifully hammy, perfectly alien performance. His Apocalypse is a stranger, baffled by modern technology (and immediately sickened by it) and guided by a singular need to rule a world that has rendered him redundant.

He is aloof, cold, merciless and at times seems bored with his opponents (until the very end when Phoenix appears), but it is exactly as the character should be. If anything, he could have gone even camper and not lost anything.

And the final summation that "good actors cannot act under lots of makeup" is the most preposterous thing ever. Of course they can: Oscar Isaac literally does, it's just the subtlety might not be noticed by the kind of people who only notice his big blue face.


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