X-Men: Apocalypse - Every Character Ranked From Worst To Best

2. Professor X

XMen Apocalypse Characters

It's admittedly a little silly when Xavier is turned into a bumbling fop around Moira MacTaggert in their first interactions, but generally speaking, James McAvoy's leader is just as great as he was in Days Of Future Past.

He's conflicted, thanks to the clash of philosophies with Beast over the purpose of the X-Men and his over-riding desire for an inclusive school not just for mutants. He's also heading more towards the regal figure Sir Patrick Stewart would portray him as by the time X-Men was released.

Xavier ultimately ends up being Apocalypse's target, and it's handy that he's built up so much goodwill, as it means there's some genuine threat in his situation (even though we know for a fact that he can't die thanks to the flash-forwards of Days Of Future Past).

And impressively, despite the scale of the film, McAvoy's performance feels welcoming and personal, like an anchor between the real relationships of his X-Men, and he sells the fight with Apocalypse at the end wonderfully.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.