X-Men: Apocalypse - Every Character Ranked From Worst To Best

1. Magneto

XMen Apocalypse Characters

Until now, Sir Ian McKellen's performance as Magneto in The Last Stand was the finest we'd seen of the character, and it was partly down to the same reasons that Fassbender's take in Apocalypse works so well.

Magneto is far more interesting as a wounded animal, driven to extremist ideology by the idiotic behaviour of bigoted humans. The film is very clear that it is their inability to accept him and their accidental murder of his parents that is the real villainous force here. He is ultimately no more than a conduit for what they've done to him: at Auschwitz, as a young mutant and now as a man trying to hide among them.

Although his heel-face turn at the end is a little unearned (it's a little hard to accept that he just realises that he wants to belong and turns on Apocalypse), Fassbender excels with the emotional burden he's got to convey. He's like a raw nerve, angry, wounded, heart-broken and hollow, and the performance perfectly sells all of those elements together.

It might not be quite as good as McKellen was in full pantomime mode for The Last Stand, but it's testament to Fassbender that it's really not far away at all.

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