X-Men: Apocalypse - Every Character Ranked From Worst To Best

13. Moira MacTaggert

XMen Apocalypse Characters

You can actually see where Bryan Singer tried not to make Moira just another love interest female character in X-Men: Apocalypse. He reinvented her into a sort of Indiana Jones CIA agent, sending her into the field on her own (despite how idiotic that was), without back-up to follow a lead. Okay, so it blew up in her face but strike one for powerful female characters.

You can also see exactly where it fell apart: when Singer temporarily reinvented Professor X into a bumbling, Hugh Grant like romantic fool who admitted to spying on her with Cerebro and lost all decorum when she was around. She became the romantic element Singer initially resisted, and from there on, her role in the film was mostly interested on-looker.

She couldn't bring anything to the fight, despite the fact that the Professor for some reason insisted on bringing her into Cerebro and into battle. She wasn't really given a great deal to do overall, and while she's a likeable character, it's just a shame that her job could probably have been done by a no-name cameo.


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