X-Men: Apocalypse - Every Character Ranked From Worst To Best

12. Storm

XMen Apocalypse Characters
20th Century Fox

As precedent goes, Alexandra Shipp didn't really have much to compete with to become the best version of Storm on the big screen. Halle Berry had always been comically poor as the character thanks to the terrible decision to cast her as a maternal lead and then forget about her altogether, so the bar was set low.

Sadly for Shipp, she wasn't really given all that much to do either. Her opening sequence - lifted straight out of Aladdin - might have hinted at an interesting Oliver Twist like backstory, but it wasn't explored enough (inevitably). She was then basically mind-warped to join Apocalypse before ultimately realising that he was a bad guy and that she'd be much better aligning with the X-Men.

The problem is, she knew that all along - as her initial fear of Apocalypse proved - but he controlled her to join his cause. That's fine, but then when the point comes for her heel-face turn, there's literally no catalyst, she just shakes off this infinitely powerful villain's grip and turns on him.

There were two mega-powerful psychic mutants like JUST THERE who could have freed her, but instead that's how they did it. Bad writing and a needless blemish on an otherwise fine character. Hopefully we'll see more of her in the future.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.