X-Men: Apocalypse - Every Character Ranked From Worst To Best

11. Beast

XMen Apocalypse Characters
20th Century Fox

You could well be forgiven for thinking that Nicholas Hoult's Beast is a dead meat character for the majority of the film, given how little he does.

Now that Professor X has got out of his Days Of Future Past funk, he's redundant as his charming man-servant, and his intriguing internal conflict is dismissed outright when he confirms he can now control his transformation into the blue furry guy.

It's interesting to think of him as the catalyst for the X-Men team, who has been pressuring Xavier into making his "army", but that too is barely hinted at and the previously intelligent, charming character is little more than background muscle. He's also clearly not all that smart, since he attempts to take down Apocalypse by jumping on his force-field at the end.

It's also a little bit of a shame that Hoult's accent is all over the place, though it's not all that noticeable when he doesn't talk too much.


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