X-Men: Apocalypse - Every Character Ranked From Worst To Best

10. Colonel Stryker

XMen Apocalypse Characters
20th Century Fox

There's obviosuly absolutely no competing with Brian Cox when it comes to choosing who the best version of William Stryker is, but Josh Helman has undoubtedly surpassed Danny Huston's version from X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

His role here is little more than a late arc cameo, as he turns up to inconveniently kidnap the X-Men and take them to his impressive Alkali Lake unit complete with the worst security system ever where you keep Weapon X in a utility closet with the generator. But there's something wonderfully dislikeable about the way Helman plays him.

He begins haughty and self-important (probably because he was improbably promoted to Colonel despite losing his special mutant team in First Class) and then slithers off like a coward as soon as Wolverine escapes. It's a brilliant little touch, and it's a shame we probably won't see him again, barring a recast of Logan and a redo of X2.

It's just a shame we didn't get any hint of how he ends up in possession of Wolverine after the end of Days Of Future Past, because that's a pretty massive plot hole.


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