10 Annoying Video Game Trends That Must Die In 2017

6. Console Exclusivity

xbox one ps4 nintendo wii u

By far the least likely of all the points on this list to ever happen, console exclusivity is beyond ludicrous at this point.

It’s understandable that Sony and Microsoft want to limit the markets to boost sales of their respective consoles, but it entirely detracts from the gaming experience. Having to definitively decide between two consoles and which exclusives you hypothetically want to play before they are even announced is insane.

It’s especially heartbreaking when a specific game is locked behind the other console and you must realise that you just won’t be able to play because of economic interest. The so-called console wars bank purely on exclusives because when it comes down to it, the hardware is a minuscule factor when considering that you use it to play games.

No one cares if Nathan Drake’s hair is rendered slightly better or Master Chief’s visor has a special glint to it. People want to play the games!

Ruining the gaming experience in this way only adds fuel to a pointless and stupid feud between people, adamant that their hunk of plastic is the better hunk of plastic. Gaming is about the games and limiting the experience can only be detrimental to the console. Let people play whatever games they want regardless of the console, and stop punishing people for having a preference in their hunk of plastic.


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.